New Feature

Individual Order Invoices

Jordeen Chang
Staff Software Engineer

📢 Introducing Individual Order Invoices

We're thrilled to announce that you can now access individual invoices for all your SpecCheck orders from your dashboard. Say goodbye to the hassle of reaching out to the lab! This feature is available exclusively for SpecCheck orders.

With this new feature, viewing your invoices is as simple as ever. Just head to the Order Details page of the order you're interested in, and click on the ‘Order Options’ button. Select 'View Order Invoice' and voila! You can easily view and print the invoice for that specific order.

Jordeen Chang
Jordeen is a proven engineer with a passion for tackling complex problems. With a range of experiences across a variety of tech stacks, Jordeen has honed her expertise in server-side development. Most recently at Lyft, she developed a powerful payments infrastructure with a high standard for reliability. Now as a founding engineer at SpecCheck, Jordeen is leveraging her skills to build robust infrastructure to power the optical industry.